The supplier payment has not been created

There can be three reasons as to why a supplier payment has not been automatically created in e-conomic, after your payment is completed.

1. A change has been made in the journal:

If the supplier invoice is being paid as a journal entry and the invoice number or the posting number has been changed after the payment was created and also approved, a supplier payment can not be created. 

2. The payment is not created in the e-conomic integration or Smart Pay:

If your invoice is manually paid on the November First portal, or through a partner integration that is not the November First e-conomic integration or Smart Pay, it is not possible for the supplier payment to be created. 

3. Supplier information has been deleted 

If the supplier of the payment in question, has been deleted from supplier information in e-conomic after the payment was created, the supplier payment post can not be automatically generated.