Create international payment in the portal

See how to create an international payment in November First portal

When you need to make a payment through November Firsts portal, first of all you need to login.
Afterwards you have to choose, Payments in the left side panel.


Here you will be met by a couple of fields that needs to be filled out. 

Type in the information as required: 

Saved recipient: If you have a saved recipient, you can choose them from this dropdown.

Recipients name: Type in the recipients name.

IBAN / Acc. nr. : Type the recipients IBAN number/ Account nr.

BIC/ SWIFT: Type the recipients BIC/SWIFT number.

Message: Write a message to recipient.

Notification to: Write up to 3 emails that wishes to be notified.

Recipients Address:

In the following bracket, you need to insert the recipients address.

Save this recipient:

If you need to have this recipient saved, then check this box. Next time you make a payment, it will be available in the "Saved Recipients" drop down menu.


Bank Account: Choose the bank you wish to use for this payment (if you haven't added a bank account to your November First user, you need to do this by going to "Get Started" and choose "Add account").

Amount: Type in the amount.

Currency: Choose which kind of foreign exchange you want to pay in.

Payment Date: Choose the date for payment.

Your reference: What reference that will be visible to you.
Send notification to my own email: Sends a notification to you.
Pay recipient's fees: Check this box if you are to pay for your recipients fees.
Euro SEPA Same-day (cut-off 12:30): Check this box if you wish to make use of SEPA same-day payment. (NOTE: Only available with EUR) 


When having pressed Continue you will be asked to review the payment details. 


If the details are correct, press the Confirm button. 


Type in your password in the pop-up window and press Ok, to finalize your payment. 


If you have chosen to make a SEPA Same-day payment, you will see a slightly different confirmation box. You will be asked to transfer the amount from your bank to November Firsts account, before 12.30 in the middle of the day. 
You can save time and minimize the risk of typing error, by downloading a bank-file.