Applied with the wrong bank account number on my application for an OS agreement

What to do when having applied for OS agreement with the wrong account number.

In the event that there are errors in your application to Mastercard's OS agreement (Overførelsesservice), you can rectify it by creating a new application and by following these steps: 


First, log in to your November First account. While in there, go to Settings and then Bank details.


Click on the green toggle button to deactivate the bank account with the faulty information. 


A message will appear at the bottom of your screen, telling you that the bank account is deactivated. You can now click on Add bank account to connect a new bank account with the right informations to your November First account. 


Fill in the new details and Save


You will now see a message at the bottom of your screen that says that a bank account has been added. A pop up will also appear, click on the Apply, button.  


You will hereafter be redirected to Overførselsservice and approvals. Make sure that it is the new added bank account that is stated under Bank account. Click Apply.


A pop up will appear where you shall confirm that the application shall be sent. When clicking Send November First will automatically create and send the application for an OS agreement/Overførselsservice.


A message will appear at the bottom at the screen, saying that the application has been sent. There will also be an "Applied" icon, to the right of the bank account.  


Within thirty minutes, a systemic e-mail will be sent to the person who is written as the contact person for your November First account. Note that if the contact person is not the one who can sign the agreement, the contact person can forward the e-mails from MasterCard regarding the Overførelsesservice agreement, to the person who can sign. 

The application will be handled by MasterCard and also sent to your bank, for approval. When the application is approved by both MasterCard and your bank, you/the contact person, will receive an e-mail with a link for signing. The agreement needs to be signed with a digital employer signature, connected to the company. 

Follow this link to see how you sign the OS agreement.