How to make a payment to November First.

When you have completed your order with November First and you do not have a Transfer service agreement with Mastercard, you will be asked to transfer the money to November First's bank account.

If you do not have a transaction agreement, so called Transfer service with Mastercard, you will be asked to transfer the payment to our bank account before we send out your payment. You can transfer the money via a normal national bank transfer (without bill of exchange and without fee).

You can read more about Transfer service here: Here.

All transfers with DKK as 'from currency' are transferred to

Reg: 5295
Account: 0010050278
IBAN: DK6752950010050278
remember to indicate reference.

All transfers with EUR as 'from currency' are transferred to

IBAN FI3233010001152909
remember to indicate reference.

All transfers with USD as 'from currency' are transferred to

IBAN DK8952950015014148
remember to indicate reference.

All transfers with GBP as 'from currency' are transferred to

Sort Code: 404865
Account Number: 63368013
IBAN: GB32ESSE40486563368013
remember to indicate reference.

All transfers with NOK as 'from currency' are transferred to

Account: 97500661465
IBAN: NO2797500661465
remember to indicate reference.

If you make the payment from an account in Sweden, all transfers with SEK as 'from currency' must be transferred to account 55651065369, remember to specify the reference.

If you make the payment from an account that is not located in Sweden (e.g. Danske Bank or Sydbank in Denmark), you must use IBAN for all transfers with SEK as 'from currency':

IBAN: SE7250000000055651065369

All transfers with PLN as 'from currency' are transferred to account 38237000080000000020667011, remember to specify reference.