Dates on payments

This is a description and an overview of the terminology behind the dates used for payments.

Submitted Date: The Submitted date is the time when the payment was submitted and registered in our system.

Payment Date: Is the day the payment must be paid and the funds are going out of your account. 

Due Date: Is the date the payment is due. The due date is shown in the payment overview and in the approval frame. If the payment is overdue, there is a red overdue icon in the approval frame.


Delivery time:

There is a slight difference in the delivery time depending on whether the payment is created from:

  • A bank account with active Transfer service (OS agreement).
  • A bank account without an active OS agreement.

From a bank account with an active OS agreement:

A2A payment (local account-to-account transfer):

Scheduled payments and payments submitted before 11:00 on the execution date

Will be deducted from your account and completed on the payment date.

Payments submitted after 11:00 on the execution date

Will be deducted from your account and completed the next day and the payment date will automatically be updated to the next day

FIK payment (local FIK transfer):

Scheduled payments and payments submitted before 11:00 on the execution date

Will be deducted from your account on the payment date.

Payments submitted after 11:00 on the execution date

Will be deducted from your account the next day and the payment date will automatically be updated to the next day.

International payment:

Scheduled payments and payments submitted before 11:00 on the execution date

Will be deducted from your account on the payment date.

Payments submitted after 11:00 on the execution date

Will be deducted from your account the next day and the payment date will automatically be updated to the next day.


From a bank account without an active OS agreement:

A2A payment (local account-to-account transfer):

Not available from bank account without an active OS agreement.

FIK payment (local FIK transfer):

Not available from bank account without an active OS agreement.

International payment:

On the payment date, you must go to your online bank and transfer the payment to November First's account, manually. The money must land in the November First account two days after the payment date and November First will then send the money on to recipients.